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Festival Volunteers

To ensure the continual improvement of the Festival we rely on the support of our splendid and dedicated volunteers to help with year-round planning and fund-raising. We are always looking for new people to join the team and the following are examples of the roles that we need fulfilling:

Stewarding at events and art exhibitions

Distribution of Festival literature

Front of house at Festival events

Putting out Festival signage

Writing and Proof-reading Festival literature

Giving lifts to less mobile Friends of the Festival to our events

Collecting artists from trains

Obtaining raffle prizes

Assisting with catering

Selling programmes and raffle tickets……. and much more!

or you may have a particular expertise or contacts that could help make the Festival even better.

If you would like to become a Volunteer or can offer the Festival expertise, please email the Chair of the Festival Society at or ring 01299 404808.